Kite Guy Theme

for kids 8-12

78” wingspan Pterodactyl  3-Dimensional Kite
This rarely found & totally unique 3-D Kite with a 78” wingspan is quite a unique replica of the famous prehistoric bird  known as a Pterodactyl,  (a flying reptile during the time of dinosaurs with wings that could be up to 40 feet long). The kite looks quite realistic in flight! Comes with its own kitestring & durable fiberglass framing featuring a quikclip attachment. Sets up to fly & packs away in less than a minute. Wind range: 7 to 18 mph. Comes packed in a 4’ HD plastic triangular tube for solid protection. Flown often and still in excellent condition. Great just flying on the beach, in a field, or wherever, just for the ‘health’ of it. 



TWIN LINE 'Parachute' kites

These are great, easy-to-fly little fliers 
120 x 55cm with 2 x 50m lines. Held by either by either large colored plastic 'yo-yo' rings or wrist straps for comfort & easy control. Great fun for the youngsters!